Rhonda Martin
REALTOR® Phone(888) 577-8027 Office (530) 577-8027 Mobile Websitewww.idxcentral.comEmailsales@idxcentral.comDon’t overlook the persuasive power of your biography to help build your personal brand and connect with clients. Visit 10 Steps for Writing Your Real Estate Agent Biography for help with developing the perfect REALTOR biography.
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What Clients are Saying
It was a great experience working with The Martin Group who brought attention to detail in every aspect of my real estate transaction. Thanks to their suggestion of professional home staging, I was able to sell my home for a price that was $20,000 more than what I had initially expected. They negotiated with a hard to buyer and got the price I needed. I would highly recommend Rhonda to anyone in need of a agent. We could not have done it without her expert knowledge that was highly valuable during the whole transaction. Thank you.
From start to finish Rhonda made our home buying experience such a positive one – we never doubted her ability to help negotiate our new home. She walked us through each step and always kept us informed. Professional, knowledgeable and highly experienced, Rhonda made the experience such a positive one and was great at the negotiation table.
We could not have done it without her expert knowledge that came into use during the whole transaction. We consider her our friend after the whole transaction. Thank you Rhonda.